The following are the most recent versions of manuals for our currently shipping products.


pdf Jumbo Cross Beam Ionizer Manual

Download (pdf, 1.40 MB)

M_251502_Jumbo Cross Beam Ionizer Manual 1.0.pdf

This manual describes the theory and operation of our Jumbo Cross Beam Ionizer.

pdf Optics Power Supply 10X Manual

Download (pdf, 847 KB)

M_651101_Optics Power Supply 10x Manual 1_1.pdf

This is the manual for our recently introduced Optics Power Supply with 10X outputs.  This manual includes installation instructions, as well as a brief overview of how to use the Tempus Data System to control the Optics Power Supply.

pdf Optics Power Supply 8X Manual

Download (pdf, 710 KB)

M_651002_Optics Power Supply 8x Manual 1.1.pdf

archive Tempus Version 3.3 Executable Update for Optics 10 Power Supply

This is the most recent available executable file for the Tempus Data system. (Version 3.3)  This file is only useful to update an existing installation of Tempus, specifically set up for our new Ten Output Optics Power Supply. Unexpected results will occur for attempts to operate this program outside the confines of an existing installation of Tempus for the Ten Output Optics Power Supply.  To use this file you will need to download it, and then extract it, and copy this file over top of your existing Tempus_DS.EXE file in the Tempus directory.